Nutritious Foods For A Healthy Diet – 7misr4day
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Nutritious Foods For A Healthy Diet

Eat more healthy, nutritious foods in the right proportions to feel your best. Learn about the benefits of a balanced meal plan at Nutrition Hub.

My Healthy Plate
We need to eat a wide variety of foods in the right amounts to meet our daily nutritional needs. Eating healthier, balanced meals does not have to be complicated.

My Healthy Plate is an easy-to-understand visual guide, designed by Health Promotion Board.

It helps you adopt healthier eating habits, which in turn can help you better manage your weight and ward off chronic diseases.

Quarter, Quarter, Half is an easy way to remember the right proportions of each food group in a well-balanced meal. Here’s how:

Fill Quarter plate with wholegrains
Fill Quarter plate with good sources of protein
Fill Half plate with fruit and vegetables

If you are unable to find a meal that fits the Quarter, Quarter, Half proportions, you can make up the missing food groups in your next meal.

Quarter plate of Wholegrains
Wholegrains are rich in nutrients because they are not over-processed and still keep their original form.

Refined grains such as white rice and white bread have been processed which results in the loss of valuable nutrients.

What do wholegrains provide?
Wholegrains are filled with vitamins B and E, minerals such as iron, zinc and magnesium, phytochemicals and dietary fibre. Click here for more information about wholegrains.

What are the benefits of eating wholegrains?
Eating wholegrains can help you with weight management by keeping you feeling full for longer, which helps prevent overeating.

Having wholegrains as part of your meal plan can also help lower your risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes and certain cancers in the long run.

What are some examples of a single serving of wholegrains?

How to make the most of My Healthy Plate?
Eating meals in the Quarter, Quarter, Half proportions is a great start to better health but the journey doesn’t end there! We should also be mindful of our cooking methods, choose healthier foods and exercise regularly.

By Michael Emad

My name is Michael Emad from Egypt, I am 20 years old. I will try as much as possible to review the best tips, meals and drinks to maintain our health and how to lose weight.

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